Thursday, February 13, 2014

February 13


Heroin in Charlotte via Charlotte Magazine
Why We Love Philly via Philadelphia Emerging Museum Professionals
California's Drought Could Be the Worst in 500 Years via Mother Jones

Grilled Grueyere, Brie, and Apricot Jam

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February 11, 2014


Alone At The Museum: The Nighttime is the Right Time to Meander through the Met, via New York Mag

Review of Crimson Landslide by Erin M. Riley at Space 1026

An Obituary for a Man I Did Not Know

I did not know Terry Adkins, although I suspect we have been moving in one another's peripheries for quite some time. It seems to be quite difficult to be an artist in Philadelphia and not to have heard his name. It seems quite difficult to simply live in Philadelphia and not have heard his name. Here are the things I know about Mr. Adkins, who sadly passed away on Sunday:

He taught at the University of Pennsylvania in their esteemed MFA program. He taught Jaime Treadwell, an artist I once interviewed. His art largely dealt with sound (note: I believe sound is one of the last media to gain full recognition in the artistic sphere, and therefore one of the most important media of our generation). His death was sudden, at the age of 60, from heart failure.

Anthony Elms, a curator whom I hold in high regard, has chosen his work to be represented at this year's Whitney Biennial, an esteemed and sought-after venue of the utmost importance for any artist. Mr. Adkins will not see his work in this seminal exhibition.

In conjunction with Canicular at the Print Center, an exhibit which I reviewed and believe is one of the best Philadelphia has seen in a long time, Mr. Adkins was due to perform at the Franklin Institute on Thursday of this week. He was to perform an immersive soundscape with his longtime band, the Lone Wolf Recital Corps. This soundscape was based on Marcel Griaule's Conversations with Ogotemmeli, a work on the religious beliefs of the Dogon people of West Africa. Sirius, the Dog Star that the exhibit Canicular revolves around, plays a central role in the Dogon people's religion. As the event's Facebook page will tell you, I planned to attend. I was thrilled to finally hear this artist's work, and hoped the event would be low-key enough to possibly meet him afterwards.

Philadelphia has lost one of its strongest creative voices.

I did not know Terry Adkins. I will never know Terry Adkins.

Please note: as I was quite up front about, I do not know Terry Adkins. If you believe any of the above information is false, please contact me in the comments below and I will amend this obit accordingly.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Seeing and hearing

I've been thinking of how to use this blog for a while. For those who want more art, you'll unfortunately be disappointed. Instead, I'll be basing this off a model that I saw on Anthony Elms' blogspot. I'll be listing exhibits I see and articles/books I'm reading, in the hopes to inspire you to do the same. We'll start with Friday and move forward.


Crimson Landslide by Erin M. Riley at Space 1026
Stefan Martin: Selected Works at Marginal Utility
Wayward Burn at Practice Gallery
Extending in Both Directions: Victoria Burge and Millee Tibs at GrizzlyGrizzly
Chad States: Night Sweats at Napoleon
Two by Two by Leigh Van Duzer at Vox Populi Gallery
Heart on my sleeve by Jay Muhlin at Vox Populi Gallery
To Sit Rather than Slip In by Erica Prince at Vox Populi Gallery
Expanded Earthly World by Maria Dumlao at Vox Populi Gallery
The Surrealists: Works from the Collection at the Philadelphia Museum of Art
Silver & Gold at the Philadelphia Museum of Art
Live Cinema/Fiona Tan: Inventory at the Philadelphia Museum of Art
Yinka Shonibare: Magic Ladders at the Barnes Foundation
Pretty Vacant: The Graphic Language of Punk at The Galleries at Moore

A Note About Philip Seymour Hoffman: Addiction is Not Selfish
Baltimore City, You're Breaking My Heart
Whose Heart is Baltimore Breaking, Really?
Anger Erupts After Danish Zoo Kills a "Surplus" Giraffe
The Casualties Release Statement On Sexual Assault Allegations Against Frontman
We Wish Nadia and Masha Well - But They're No Longer Part of Pussy Riot
When A Tree Falls in a Museum...
Is This the Door of the Future?
Everything was fake but her wealth
Six More States May Outlaw Breed-Specific Legislation, Making Everything Better for Pitbulls
Doing the Minimum: A Visit to Penn's Rare Book Conservation Lab
Staff Q&A with Anthony Elms
Parting Words: The Visual Story of Death Row Prisoners' Last words
Museum of Fine Arts Prank with Complete Audio
Creativity Becomes an Academic Discipline

Snobby Joes