So I really have been working here at MICA, I promise. Most of what I'm doing is making artist's books, as it is my only studio this semester, and I really feel lacking in the area of artistic production. As of next week I will have a printmaking class, so I should have more then. Also, I've recently been looking at Angela Lorenz's work a lot. I feel as if I have found a kindred spirit. She made one book, Soap Story, out of handmade soap, and another book, Curiosities of Nature, was about museology. She lives and works out of Bologna. I'm pretty sure I'm meant to be her.
Assignment 1 from Artist's Books: Make a book out of a single sheet of paper using a xerox machine in some way. I took everyday objects and dragged them across my scanner. Crit went well; people said they felt like they were looking inside a computer. When I told them there was no photoshop used at all, they were surprised.
Assignment 3 (yes, we're skipping assignment 2, it didn't go so well): Stab Binding. I bought Kozu Goya rice paper and folded the pages over so that they were bound on the open edge. I printed on the inside of the paper. Everything about this book concerns "what happens when you are stabbed," namely, the chemicals your brain releases in a fight-or-flight situation. Not sure if these pictures are good enough for you to get the text, but you get the idea. I printed on the inside of the folded paper and cut windows out so you could see through. Embroidered are the actual corresponding molecular structures of the chemicals.
P.S. Seriously. Angela Lorenz is amazing. Go to the cage in the library at MICA and check out her stuff if you haven't yet. And lastly, in case you didn't catch it at the top:
Come to the closing reception for me and my fellow SACI kids, entitled La Nostra Mostra (MICA@SACI), Fox Building 2nd Floor, on Friday, October 3, at 5 P.M. R.S.V.P. here.
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