Sunday, December 12, 2010


Image representing Etsy as depicted in CrunchBaseImage via CrunchBaseArt Market was a huge success everyone! Thank you so much. I have some leftover books from it up on my Etsy in the meantime. I'll post more there eventually. The important thing is that I finally have an Etsy shop up and running. Okay, time to actually work on finals. Ciao ciao! Ci vediamo a dopo!

PS. Visit the Etsy, visit ittttttttt.
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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Altered Book Show, Art Market, A New Print!

Hey all,

So, first thing's first: GET YOUR BUTTS TO ART MARKET. There's a flyer at the post below this one, but in case y'all can't read: MICA DECEMBER 8TH (TOMORROW)-11TH 10AM-6PM. I have all these lovely books. First come first serve.

Those are my business cards sticking out of the top, in case you're wondering. The picture on those lovely cards is of this book right here:

...which just happens to be at the Enoch Pratt's Altered Book Show right now! Who got in? Me. Aw yeah. That's right. So you should also come to the opening if you're free. It's this Thursday at 6 P.M. at the Enoch Pratt Library.

Lastly, I made this massive print with some Chin Colle'ing (my first attempt EVER). Think I'm gonna change the colors a bit and fuss some more, but enjoy here for the meantime.

Ciao ciao for now!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Art Market

That's my business card right there. Colors are a little off. There's a bid more red in real life. Below is a flyer for art market. I'll be selling handmade books there, so be sure to check it out!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Some new books

Soooo the opening last month went really well. Here are some pictures. You can see my art in the background of the picture below this. It's the book and the big crocheted thing, both of which I have already posted pictures of on here. So I won't bombard you with more.

Here's a book I made a few weeks ago. It's a fortune teller book. The fortune tellers actually work, but I couldn't get them to pop up for the pictures. But yes, you can play with them! I'm gonna submit it for the juried show at MICA; I hope it gets in.

Lastly, this is a book I made recently. It's an altered book. I took this book called Good Intentions by Ogden Nash and cut up every line of poetry. I was interested in how the lines would form a new narrative, but mostly that idea falls apart upon looking at it. Instead, the lines stand out more. It's really interesting. I don't mind that it changed, as I think it was for the better. Here are some pictures:

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Artist Books

First thing's first: Come to the closing reception for La Nostra Mostra, an exhibit of me and my fellow SACI kids. It's at MICA in the Fox Building 2nd Floor, on Friday, October 3, at 5 P.M. R.S.V.P. here. Here's a pretty picture for y'all to look at:

So I really have been working here at MICA, I promise. Most of what I'm doing is making artist's books, as it is my only studio this semester, and I really feel lacking in the area of artistic production. As of next week I will have a printmaking class, so I should have more then. Also, I've recently been looking at Angela Lorenz's work a lot. I feel as if I have found a kindred spirit. She made one book, Soap Story, out of handmade soap, and another book, Curiosities of Nature, was about museology. She lives and works out of Bologna. I'm pretty sure I'm meant to be her.

Assignment 1 from Artist's Books: Make a book out of a single sheet of paper using a xerox machine in some way. I took everyday objects and dragged them across my scanner. Crit went well; people said they felt like they were looking inside a computer. When I told them there was no photoshop used at all, they were surprised.

Assignment 3 (yes, we're skipping assignment 2, it didn't go so well): Stab Binding. I bought Kozu Goya rice paper and folded the pages over so that they were bound on the open edge. I printed on the inside of the paper. Everything about this book concerns "what happens when you are stabbed," namely, the chemicals your brain releases in a fight-or-flight situation. Not sure if these pictures are good enough for you to get the text, but you get the idea. I printed on the inside of the folded paper and cut windows out so you could see through. Embroidered are the actual corresponding molecular structures of the chemicals.

P.S. Seriously. Angela Lorenz is amazing. Go to the cage in the library at MICA and check out her stuff if you haven't yet. And lastly, in case you didn't catch it at the top:
Come to the closing reception for me and my fellow SACI kids, entitled La Nostra Mostra (MICA@SACI), Fox Building 2nd Floor, on Friday, October 3, at 5 P.M. R.S.V.P. here.
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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

AH Drawing assignment?

So as my first assignment of the new semester, I was asked to draw a schematic drawing of what art history means to me. After stressing for too long, I decided to do something more conceptual and less schematic. I hope he doesn't hate me for it. I decided art history was the study of humans and what they make from birth, and how what they make shapes who they are. This is what I came up with.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Bubble Battle Baltimore

Art of the moment: So I'm organizing this, and I hope to get everyone in the Baltimore Community there. Come out for a bubble battle, and bring everyone you know!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Henry Walters

Another writing-tablet drawing. Get ready for some 19th Century art yo. Original painting was done from a photograph of Henry Walters, and is displayed below my drawing. Enjoy!

Another writing-tablet drawing. Get ready for some 19th Century art yo. Original painting was done from a photograph of Henry Walters, and is displayed below my drawing. Enjoy!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Digital Drawings and A New Book

So I have a job at the Walters Art Museum. Right now I'm creating iSpy Hunts based around the Walter's collection. It's my first time drawing with a pen tablet seriously. Here's one mock-up of the African Venus that went well:

And here's the actual African Venus for Comparison:

Here are some failed mock-ups of character information sheets for the Egyptian Collection iSpy hunt. They failed because they were creepy. I was trying to put a modern spin on Egyptian Gods and Goddesses (Amun and Taweret), but instead they're just really weird. Like everything else in my life!

And lastly, what would my life be without another book? Here's one I made while I was still in Europe. It's a sketchbook made from my left over humongous pad of pastel paper, and a vintage map of Paris. I have a London subway map that will be put to good use soon as well...

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Venezia book


So, last year, after Venice, I made two books. One was my lace one, inspired by Burano, already documented here. The other was one inspired by things that I had seen around the city. It was kind of a visual journal. Thinking of gutting it, keeping the cover, and making a fresh one with more pages so it's not so flimsy. But here's the first attempt, a year old now, for documentation purposes.

And just so you guys have an idea where my inspiration comes from, here it goes, roughly in order:

Edit: That cool picture above and the ones like it? All done by Shepard Fairey and the Obey crew. Find out more at